4 Stages of Catholic Fight
1. Have the Catholic faith (include little stages from learning and accepting the basic traditional catholicism, to accurately understanding the Post V2 crisis, etc.) - pure as doves
2. Recognize the true enemies of the Church and Christianity (include little stages from like Biden and the abortionists, all the way to the big nose club, the NWO, etc.)
Most Catholics recognize and stuck at pro-life movements at this stage and think that's the biggest fight catholics should have.
At the end of 2 people realize the whole world is a lie, everything they are used to belongs to the synogogue of satan, and they need to deal with this cognitive dissonance by making a difficult decision: either to compromise, to forget everything they learnt from here to continue to live a comfortable life in the modern world adapting to the NWO that the masons established, and still will be able to manage to save their own souls, or to think of another way to live according to the order of Christ the King.
3. Determination to join the fight against the enemies
People come together to try to earn money and provide for their family, and support real catholic groups/communities and survive in masonic society.
4. Wisdom and ability to fight - wise as serpents
And stage 4, it's our catholic version of the top tier elites. They know how to fight and they're doing it, and they're helping the people that are at stage 3, no matter how hard it is. But there are too few of those people. Yet our prayers especially our Rosary will reach to Our Father in Heaven, so that we the real catholics can hopefully become stage 4 people, or at least persevere in stage 3.
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